This blog provides you an access to the teaching materials, Journals, literature reviews, Research papers etc, prepared by Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra and associates. This site is expected to be beneficial for all educators and researchers in further professional development. You are allowed to use all the materials presented on this site for educational purposes only.
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Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices

Excerpt of Language assessment and Classroom Practices. Systematic treatment of assessment for all four language skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) as well as grammar and vocabulary.Discussion of large-scale standardized tests, the ethics of testing, letter grading, and overall evaluation of student performance.Comprehensive presentation of alternatives in assessment, such as portfolios, journals, conferences, observations, interviews, and self- or peer-assessment.

Writing Assignment: Descriptive Text

This assignment is intended to improve your writing skill. You are expected to be actively posting your comments on your friends' writing along with your version of descriptive text. Good luck and have fun of writing.