This blog provides you an access to the teaching materials, Journals, literature reviews, Research papers etc, prepared by Ida Bagus Nyoman Mantra and associates. This site is expected to be beneficial for all educators and researchers in further professional development. You are allowed to use all the materials presented on this site for educational purposes only.
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RPP Bahasa Inggris K13

Rencana Pembelajaran adalah rencana pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran yang mencakup keseluruhan komponen dan aspek pembelajaran sehingga terjadinya interaksi yang kondusif antara sumber belajar dan pembelajar.
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Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices

Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices.

This book is designed to offer a comprehensive survey of essential principles and tools for second language assessment.

Language Testing Course Outline

Course outline of Language Testing.
This course outline gives you a brief insight of the topics of language testing which are going to be discussed during the 16 lecturing sessions. Some related references may be available online or Hard copies of them can be obtained from Mr. Bagus Mantra
Course Outline Click Here

Understanding Cultural Awareness and Cross Culture Skills

Understanding Cultural Awareness and Cross Culture Skills. This book explains about the nature of cultural awareness and cross culture skills. It is a useful book to read.
E-book download

Cross Culture Understanding (CCU)

Cross Culture Understanding
Culture' means different things to different people. For our purposes culture can be defined as the set of learned values, assumptions and norms which are shared to varying degrees with members of a group, and which influence the way in which members of that group perceive, think and act.
Course Outline. Download